Every weekday morning from 9:10 AM to 1:00 PM. Contact Ashley Blackmon for details at:704-764-3602 or ashley@bethlehemchurchonline.org
Every weekday morning from 9:10 AM to 1:00 PM, the halls and classrooms at Bethlehem are filled with laughter, tiny voices, music and excitement. Our preschool serves children ages 18 months - 5 years.
We offer a safe environment for children to learn and grow. It is a special place where children are loved, respected and feel safe while away from mom.
Our two year old students begin to learn trust, while they begin to realize that mom will come back and their teacher cares about them and will protect them.
Our three year old students begin to learn about the world around them and that it no longer revolves around them! They start to learn about the calendar, weather, numbers and letters.
Our "sponge-like" four year old students take in so much through all their senses as they prepare for "Big School" and the many years of education in front of them. They continue with learning letters, writing and reading skills and independence!
By the time a child is ready to leave preschool they will know how to write their name, know their colors and shapes, their ABC's and numbers, know 26 Bible verses and that Jesus loves them very much. They will know how to share, how to listen, how to obey and how make new friends. They use their fine motor skills as they color and paint and cut and those large muscle skills to run and climb.
Come tour our facilities, discover more about our school and see what a special place we are for children.
Contact Ashley Blackmon for details at: 704-764-3602 or ashley@bethlehemchurchonline.org
Our primary objective is to provide a safe and happy atmosphere in which children can grow spiritually and socially. We offer a variety of enrichment activities to prepare children for Kindergarten and the educational environment.
We desire to be a bridge for each child between home and "big school" to ready them for their educational years that follow.
We believe that children develop to their fullest potential in a Christian atmosphere; therefore, we consider the developmental needs of the children's growth in all areas - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual - as a continuous interrelated process.
We believe that children function better around children of similar ages; therefore, children are grouped according to birth dates and arranged in regular school year ages.
We believe that children need to be exposed to many different positive things to become well-rounded individuals; therefore, we provide a balanced curriculum including music, finger plays, Bible stories and field trips along with activities emphasizing numbers, letters, shapes and colors.
We believe that children absorb attitudes and behaviors from the people surrounding them; therefore, we strive to present the best role models possible.
Bethlehem Preschool employs a trained teaching staff to nurture and guide each child. Every classroom has a lead teacher and an assistant teacher.
Two Year Old Classes have 2 teachers for 10/12 students.
Three and Four Year Old Classes have 2 teachers for 16 students.
We have an in-house library program for kids to check out books to take home.
And, we offer special science and cooking classes during the year.
Extended Day: Twice a month we offer the opportunity for parents to allow their children to stay until 3 pm. Cost is $10 per child.
Preschool teachers supervise.
• Birthday parties for every student (Parents are always welcome)
• Thanksgiving Program for three-year-old families
• Happy Birthday, Jesus party at Christmas
• Christmas Nativity Play for four-year-old families
• Valentine parties
• Easter Egg Hunts
• Four year old classes Graduation night
ALL CLASSES WILL MEET FROM: 9:10 AM - 1 PM (Doors open at 9:00 AM)
Registration Fee: $100
• Four Year Class: M - TH $250
• Four Year Class: T W TH $225
• Three Year Class: M - TH $255
• Three Year Class: TWTH $230
• Two Year Class:
- 2 days $200
- 3 days $235
- 4 days $260
(Prices are per month)
School starts after Labor Day. We follow the Union County Public Schools Calendar.